Concussion symptoms and chiropractic!
Concussion Syndrome, Headache, and Vertigo Helped With Chiropractic - Case Study
2011-01-13Return to Health & Wellness Article Library
From the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, comes a documented case study published on January 6, 2011 reviewing the successful care of a patient suffering from vertigo, headaches, and post concussion syndrome.
In this case study a 23 year old woman went to a chiropractor five months after suffering a slip and fall accident. It was reported that the woman had slipped in her bedroom and hit her head on the floor suffering a concussion. At the time of the accident she was treated at the emergency room and was diagnosed with a concussion.
It was noted that she had previously suffered with headaches for 10 years prior to the fall. After suffering the concussion the woman's headaches had gotten worse, and she was also experiencing vertigo (dizziness), nausea, and a throbbing pain in her neck. After the accident she also reported having fatigue, irritability, insomnia, memory problems, and problems with concentration. Her problems were so severe that it was affecting her daily life.
A chiropractic examination was performed and numerous positive findings were noted indicative of vertebral subluxation in the upper neck. X-rays of the upper neck verified misalignment of the upper neck and a determination of upper cervical (neck) subluxation was made. Based on these findings a course of specific chiropractic care was initiated to correct the problem.
Within one week of starting chiropractic care the patient reported that she had not experienced any headaches or vertigo after receiving her first adjustment. Follow up x-rays and examination procedures showed improvement of the upper neck as well. Two weeks after the start of care she was experiencing some occasional slight mild headaches, but the other symptoms had disappeared. In essence, at the conclusion of this case study the woman was actually healthier than she was prior to the accident she suffered.