Triumph Chiropractic

Chiropractic Information!

Chiropractic is not just for athletes. Who else should see a chiropractor?

Posted: January 18, 2016
By: Dr. Alex Rodnick

Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Many women seek chiropractic care to relieve neck or back pain that can result from weight gain and altered biomechanics during pregnancy. But even if you’re not in pain, you can benefit from visiting a chiropractor. Chiropractic care during pregnancy maintains, and can even improve, balance and alignment in your spine and pelvis. This can help your baby assume her optimal birthing position and reduce the risk of having a breech baby.

Regular chiropractic care can also provide a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery for both mother and baby. It stimulates the nervous system to enable proper functioning of your reproductive organs, thus supporting the needs of your baby throughout pregnancy and during delivery.

Chiropractic for Infants & Children

Many people wrongly assume that children and infants don’t need chiropractic care, however adjusting a child’s spine is one of the best things you can do for your child. Chiropractic adjustments to infants and children are very gentle and effective.

Almost all adults’ spinal problems begin in early childhood. By getting children under chiropractic care, you can likely avoid the problems that many adults face (which is the reason they seek chiropractic care in the first place!). Providing care for their spines as early as possible is important, and at Rodnick Chiropractic we feel you shouldn’t wait until children develop problems before trying to help them. Many adults suffer throughout their lifetime with problems that may have been avoided by seeking chiropractic care as children or teenagers.

Chiropractic for Seniors – (Aging Adults)

 Chiropractic care is especially important for maturing and elderly adults because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine with increasing age. As we age, spinal discs, joints, ligaments, muscles and other spinal tissues become weaker, less hydrated, more fibrous, and less able to withstand normal strain. As a result, back pain from spinal degeneration (arthritis) becomes more prominent, soft tissues increase as the body is more vulnerable to injury.  As the time to heal from injury increases as we age, minimizing risk and optimizing overall health and wellness becomes even more important.

Modern chiropractic procedures take into consideration the nature of the aging spine and the many abnormalities present to provide an effective, safe and non-invasive treatment plan. Through the use of 21st century gentle adjusting techniques, physical therapies, and incorporation of stretching and exercise programs spinal pain is reduced, spinal stresses are decreased, flexibility and mobility are improved, and degeneration is minimized.

Chiropractic for General Health and Wellness

Regular spinal maintenance adjustments provide the same benefit as other preventive health services.  For example, by going to the dentist on a regular basis for cleanings, the teeth and gums are kept healthy and any potentially harmful problems (i.e. cavities, gum disease, etc.) are identified and cured before they become major problems.  By getting adjusted regularly, our patients stay out of pain, improve spinal function, and enjoy better overall health by optimizing the health of the nervous system.  Because the nervous system controls all body systems, including the immune and digestive systems, many of our patients report not getting sick as often as their friends/family/neighbors.

Chiropractic for Auto Accident Injuries

The auto accident that caused the whiplash in the first place may fade memory, but the physical and psychological damage of the car accident becomes chronic, eroding in a victim’s quality of life.  Chiropractic techniques and chiropractors’ skill are particularly well-suited to relieving the neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, mid back pain, numbness/tingling, low back pain , fatigue and other debilitating effects of whiplash because they can:

  • Restore movement lost after the auto accident
  • Overcome muscle weakness and enhance muscle tone
  • Speed recovery
  • Reduce Pain, inflammation, muscle spasms & scar tissue
  • Increase Range of motion, flexibility and strength
  • Diminish chronic symptoms that can persist over many years
  • Increase overall well being by stabilizing the injuries from the auto accident

Research shows effective chiropractic treatments have proved successful for many thousands of auto accident patients.  A Chiropractor can, in many cases, significantly reduce patients’ distress and allow them to return to their normal activities.