Triumph Chiropractic

Accidents Injuries and Whiplash

A Summary of Michigan Auto No-Fault  Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Posted: January 3, 2017
By: Dr. Rodnick

A Summary of Michigan Auto No-Fault 

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Michigan.bmpMichigan is a no-fault state, meaning that automobile insurance will cover losses from an automobile or motorcycle accident regardless of whether or not you were at fault. Instituted in 1972, Michigan's no-fault system guarantees unlimited lifetime medical coverage in exchange for reasonable limitations on the right of victims to sue negligent drivers. (If you were not at fault, and you suffered serious injuries, you may still be able to bring a lawsuit against the driver at fault.) This section will address the benefits you are entitled to under your no-fault insurance.

Michigan law requires: that benefits be provided by an insurer when a person suffers accidental bodily injury which arises out of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle as a motor vehicle. This Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage pays for chiropractic or medical care and related expenses, rehabilitation services, funeral and burial expenses, wage loss, survivors, loss payments, and replacement services.

Health Care Benefits: Chiropractic and medical treatment shall be paid by the no-fault insurer, so long as the treatment is reasonable, and necessary. These benefits are unlimited, with the only requirement being that the injuries were incurred as a result of the automobile accident. Additional health care benefits include:

Medical Expenses:  PIP benefits are payable for all allowable expenses consisting of all reasonable charges incurred for reasonably necessary products, services and accommodations for an injured person's care, recovery, or rehabilitation. This includes: Chiropractic, hospital, physician and psychological services; prescriptions; medical equipment; prosthetic devices; and, other related expenses.

In-Home Care:  PIP benefits include in-home nursing care and unskilled attendant care (which may be a family member), if the care is deemed necessary for the injured person's care, recovery, and rehabilitation.

Accommodations:  PIP coverage provides for renovations to make a dwelling handicapper accessible, or to build a new residence for catastrophically injured persons when their prior residence, even with renovations, is no longer adequate. The insurance company may, however, hold title to a residence built for this purpose.

Special Transportation:  The no-fault insurer may be obligated to pay for the purchase and/or modification of a motor vehicle for the transportation of a seriously injured person.

Wage Loss:  The no-fault statute provides for wage loss benefits equal to 85 percent of the injured person's gross wages. This benefit does have a maximum monthly rate ($4,589, effective October 2006), and wage loss benefits will only be paid for up to three years. If your current monthly income exceeds this maximum, you may wish to consider additional wage loss coverage to make up the difference in the case of a disabling injury. Lost income can only be compensated if it can be shown that the injured person was unable to work during the three-year period. If the injured person was unemployed or already medically disabled at the time of the accident, there is no right to wage loss benefits.

Replacement Services:  A person disabled as a result of an automobile accident may receive up to $20 per day in replacement services. Replacement services cover services normally performed by the disabled individual that can no longer be performed as a result of the accident. They may cover day-to-day house and property maintenance, such as grocery shopping, babysitting, cleaning, laundry, lawn care, driving, etc. These services are payable for up to three years after the date of the accident.  These services must be reasonable incurred because of the accident to be recoverable. Generally, your DC or MD must determine that replacement services are required for the patient. Even family members who assist in performing replacement services can be claimed in receiving this benefit.

Survivors' Benefits:  If an individual dies as a result of an auto accident, their spouse and/or dependants may continue to receive your economic benefits for three years after the date of the accident. These benefits are subject to the same maximum monthly benefit ceiling applicable to wage-loss claims. Additionally, survivors are entitled to a separate funeral and burial expense of either $1,750 or $5,000, depending on the type of coverage the victim was carrying at the time of the accident.

Rehabilitation:  Rehab benefits are broadly defined and may include such services as job retraining, physical rehabilitation, and modification of home or automobile to accommodate permanent limitations.

Mileage:  All travel to and from the chiropractor or medical doctor's office should be reimbursed. This also includes travel to and from physical therapy, or any other health-related service that is reasonable and necessary medical treatment. It is best to maintain a log of the dates, distance, and to which health care provider or facility was visited.

Notice Requirements:  The injured person must file a claim for benefits within one year of the accident date. Lawsuits for non-payment of benefits must be filed within one year of the date service was provided.

Denial or Termination:  If the injured person makes a claim for no-fault benefits with their insurance company and benefits are denied, they may bring a lawsuit against your no-fault insurer for breach of contract against the no-fault insurer. Likewise, if benefits are paid and subsequently terminated, the insured may bring legal action to resume no-fault benefits. There are notification requirements, so the insured may wish to consult an attorney if these issues arise.

Negligent Drivers

Property Damage:  No-Fault will pay up to $1 million for damage the insured's car does to other people's property, such as buildings and fences. It will also pay for damage the car does to another person's properly parked vehicle. It does not pay for any other damage to cars.  If the other driver was determined to be at fault, the insured may be able to receive up to $500 for damages to your vehicle in the event a deductible must be paid, or if a property damage claim not covered by insurance is incurred. This will often be paid voluntarily by the at-fault driver's insurance company. However, if the at-fault driver or his/her insurance is unwilling to pay, you may need to file a claim in Small Claims Court in order to collect this benefit.

Serious Injuries:  If the other driver is found to be at fault in any way, a person may be able to bring a lawsuit against the driver if the person suffered a serious impairment of a body function, permanent serious disfigurement, or death. In order to file suit, the person must meet one of these threshold injuries. An attorney should be consulted to determine eligibility to bring suit against a negligent driver.  Unlike no-fault benefits, a successful lawsuit against the negligent driver may entitle a person to receive damages for pain and suffering, excess economic damages, loss of companionship from your spouse, and other damages not limited under Michigan no-fault benefits. A suit of this type must be filed within three years after the accident or be precluded by the statute of limitations.

Full v. Coordinated Benefits:  Under the Michigan no-fault system, an insured person may purchase either a full or coordinated benefits no-fault package. Under the full benefits package, the no-fault insurer is obligated to pay no-fault benefits, even if similar benefits are available through another health insurance company. With a coordinated benefits package, the no-fault insurer only has to pay those expenses not covered by the other policy. If you coordinate your policy, thinking you may save a small amount of money, you may not get the care you need.

Conclusion:  If you are injured in an automobile accident, you may wish to consult an attorney to determine whether you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to under your no-fault insurance. Also, if the other driver was at fault, you may wish to consult an attorney to determine if you have rights against the negligent driver.

What if My No-Fault Insurer Refuses to Pay?

Filing a Complaint with OFIS:  If you are in a dispute with an insurance company regarding payment for chiropractic services rendered or denial of chiropractic coverage, and you have been unable to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Services (OFIS) may be able to help.  OFIS will attempt to resolve the complaint and see that your questions are answered. Their interactive complaint form can be found online at:

Be sure to include all pertinent information, including: Name of insurer and/or agent involved in the dispute; policy and claim numbers; details of all previous attempts to resolve the matter; and, copies of any and all documents that help verify/explain the problem. Always send copies. Never send original documents.
Once OFIS receives your complaint, they will open a file and contact the parties named in the complaint. When OFIS's review is complete, they will provide you with a written statement of their position.


Michigan Association of Chiropractors
416 W. Ionia, Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 367-2225 " (800) 949-1401 " fax (517) 367-2228 "

Auto Accidents

Posted: December 31, 2016
By: Dr. Rodnick


Triumph Chiropractic is a high tech facility with a wide range of techniques and treatment options that target the underlying conditions caused by traumatic accidents. We specialize in the latest techniques and therapies to improve the function and health of our patients.


Download the Automobile Accident Questionnaire

The auto accident that caused the whiplash in the first place may become a faded memory, but the physical and psychological damage of the car accident becomes chronic, eroding a victim’s quality of life.  Chiropractic techniques and chiropractors’ skill are particularly well-suited to relieving the neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, mid back pain, numbness/tingling, low back pain , fatigue and other debilitating effects of whiplash because they can:



  • Restore movement lost after the auto accident
  • Overcome muscle weakness and enhance muscle tone
  • Speed recovery
  • Reduce Pain, inflammation, muscle spasms & scar tissue
  • Increase Range of motion, flexibility and strength
  • Diminish chronic symptoms that can persist over many years
  • Increase overall well being by stabilizing the injuries from the auto accident

Research shows effective chiropractic treatments have proved successful for many thousands of auto accident patients.  A Chiropractor can, in many cases, significantly reduce patients’ distress and allow them to return to their normal activities.

What to do in case of an accident!

  • Stop immediately and remain as close to the location of the accident as possible. If no one is injured and vehicles can be moved to a safe location out of traffic, they should usually be moved.
  • Check immediately for injured persons. if necessary, call a doctor or ambulance, whichever is quicker. Do not try to move the injured person.
  • Warn approaching vehicles with emergency flashers, flares, reflectors, or even a flashlight.
  • Notify the police, county, or state law officers at once. An official report may be helpful at a later time.
  • You have the right to consult a lawyer as soon as you choose to. Do not comment on the accident. keep notes and information to yourself.
  • Assist the officer. remain at the scene until the officer arrives, and advise the officers of the basic facts.
  • Obtain the other driver's name, address, and vehicle registration number. Ask to see his or her driver's license.
  • Obtain names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all witnesses. Ask witnesses to sign a statement.
  • Make notes on all significant circumstances concerning the accident. If possible take pictures.
  • Inform your insurance company. Make a complete report to your insurance carrier. Failure to make a prompt and correct report may affect your rights.
  • See a Chiropractor. Serious and costly injuries do not always result in immediate pain or bloodshed. Aside from the more dramatic wounds which require surgery or hospitalization, other serious and costly injuries may result from auto accidents. A thorough examination by a Doctor of Chiropractic is a wise precaution to confirm the presence or absence of injuries. Doctors of Chiropractic are particularly well qualified to detect and treat a wide variety of injuries of the spine, nerves, and other related structures. Automobile liability and med pay insurance will normally pay for chiropractic examination and treatment. Your claim should be verified to check your coverage.

Common Accident Related Conditions we treat

  • Subluxation
  • Elbow Pain
  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Radiculopathy
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Muscle Spasms

What to do in case of an auto accident.

Posted: September 21, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick
  • Stop immediately and remain as close to the location of the accident as possible. If no one is injured and vehicles can be moved to a safe location out of traffic, they should usually be moved.
  • Check immediately for injured persons. if necessary, call a doctor or ambulance, whichever is quicker. Do not try to move the injured person.
  • Warn approaching vehicles with emergency flashers, flares, reflectors, or even a flashlight.
  • Notify the police, county, or state law officers at once. An official report may be helpful at a later time.
  • You have the right to consult a lawyer as soon as you choose to. Do not comment on the accident. keep notes and information to yourself.
  • Assist the officer. remain at the scene until the officer arrives, and advise the officers of the basic facts.
  • Obtain the other driver's name, address, and vehicle registration number. Ask to see his or her driver's license.
  • Obtain names, addresses, and telephon numbers of all witnesses. Ask witnesses to sign a statement.
  • Make notes on all significant circumstances concerning the accident. If possible take pictures.
  • Inform your insurance company. Make a complete report to your insurance carrier. Failure to make a prompt and correct report may affect your rights.
  • See a Chiropractor. Serious and costly injuries do not always result in immediate pain or bloodshed. Aside from the more dramatic wounds which require surgery or hospitilization, other serious and costly injuries may result from auto accidents. A thorough examination by a Doctor of Chiropractic is a wise precaution to confirm the presence or absence of injuries. Doctors of Chiropractic are particularly well qualified to detect and treat a wide variety of injuries of the spine, nerves, and other related structures. Automobile liability and med pay insurance will normally pay for chiropractic examination and treatment. Your claim should be verified to check your coverages.



Auto Accidents and Chiropractic

Posted: July 11, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

The auto accident that caused the whiplash in the first place may become a faded memory, but the physical and psychological damage of the car accident becomes chronic, eroding a victim’s quality of life.  Chiropractic techniques and chiropractors’ skill are particularly well-suited to relieving the neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, mid back pain, numbness/tingling, low back pain , fatigue and other debilitating effects of whiplash because they can:

  • Restore movement lost after the auto accident
  • Overcome muscle weakness and enhance muscle tone
  • Speed recovery
  • Reduce Pain, inflammation, muscle spasms & scar tissue
  • Increase Range of motion, flexibility and strength
  • Diminish chronic symptoms that can persist over many years
  • Increase overall well being by stabilizing the injuries from the auto accident

Research shows effective chiropractic treatments have proved successful for many thousands of auto accident patients.  A Chiropractor can, in many cases, significantly reduce patients’ distress and allow them to return to their normal activities.


Accidents and Injuries Information

Posted: June 9, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

Check out our accident injury information blog on blogger

Concussion symptoms and chiropractic!

Posted: April 28, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

Concussion Syndrome, Headache, and Vertigo Helped With Chiropractic - Case Study

2011-01-13Return to Health & Wellness Article Library


Concussion Syndrome, Headache, and Vertigo Helped With Chiropractic - Case Study

From the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, comes a documented case study published on January 6, 2011 reviewing the successful care of a patient suffering from vertigo, headaches, and post concussion syndrome.

In this case study a 23 year old woman went to a chiropractor five months after suffering a slip and fall accident. It was reported that the woman had slipped in her bedroom and hit her head on the floor suffering a concussion. At the time of the accident she was treated at the emergency room and was diagnosed with a concussion.

It was noted that she had previously suffered with headaches for 10 years prior to the fall. After suffering the concussion the woman's headaches had gotten worse, and she was also experiencing vertigo (dizziness), nausea, and a throbbing pain in her neck. After the accident she also reported having fatigue, irritability, insomnia, memory problems, and problems with concentration. Her problems were so severe that it was affecting her daily life.

A chiropractic examination was performed and numerous positive findings were noted indicative of vertebral subluxation in the upper neck. X-rays of the upper neck verified misalignment of the upper neck and a determination of upper cervical (neck) subluxation was made. Based on these findings a course of specific chiropractic care was initiated to correct the problem.

Within one week of starting chiropractic care the patient reported that she had not experienced any headaches or vertigo after receiving her first adjustment. Follow up x-rays and examination procedures showed improvement of the upper neck as well. Two weeks after the start of care she was experiencing some occasional slight mild headaches, but the other symptoms had disappeared. In essence, at the conclusion of this case study the woman was actually healthier than she was prior to the accident she suffered.

Traumatic Brain Injury helped with Chiropractic Care!

Posted: April 28, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

Traumatic Brain Injury Case Helped With Chiropractic Care

2008-01-11Return to Health & Wellness Article Library


Traumatic Brain Injury Case Helped With Chiropractic Care

A case study published in the December 18, 2007 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, documented the improvement of a 55-year-old woman who had suffered two automobile accidents. As a result of these accidents, the woman was reporting symptoms of whiplash, loss of range of motion in her right arm, sacroiliac joint pain, shoulder pain, hand pain, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, and loss of balance. To complicate matters, after her second accident her husband died and she was suffering from depression to the extent that she attempted suicide.

Between the two accidents, some chiropractic care was rendered by a chiropractor other than Andrea B. Ryan, D.C., the author of this case report. That care met with some limited results. After the second accident, the woman's symptoms got worse and she was diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder by her medical doctor.

Nine years after her second accident, she sought chiropractic care from Dr. Ryan, D.C.. She was suffering from a large range of health issues and was on multiple medications. An extensive chiropractic examination was performed and it was concluded that vertebral subluxations were present.

The patient experienced some immediate results. However, most changes occurred over time as care progressed. Overall her dizziness completely resolved, and she was more stable and comfortable when walking, but still required a cane. Her muscle strength in her arms, shoulders, and legs improved and she no longer has pain in her sacroiliac joints.

The author of the study, Andrea B. Ryan, D.C., concluded, "There were three specific goals that the chiropractor and patient set out to achieve before chiropractic care commenced: subluxation reduction, reduction of symptoms, and increased quality of life for the patient. All three goals were accomplished within six months. Based on the results of this case, chiropractic should be considered for patients recovering from traumatic brain injuries."

MRI shows subluxations from whiplash

Posted: April 28, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

MRI Shows Subluxation in Whiplash Case Study

2008-01-11Return to Health & Wellness Article Library


MRI Shows Subluxation in Whiplash Case Study

In the December 19, 2007 issue of the scientific journal Chiropractic & Osteopathy, is a case study that clearly documented the presence of a subluxation on MRI and showed how chiropractic helped in this case when medical care had previously failed.

This case documented the plight of a 21 year old woman who was involved in an automobile accident. The accident was so severe the woman was unconscious and had to be cut out of her car by rescue teams. She was taken to the emergency room where she suffered a seizure and regained consciousness.

In the hospital, the 21 year old had x-rays and a CT scan. In spite of the severity of the accident, the doctors interpreted these x-ray studies as normal. She was treated for her cuts and released with the advice to return for a neurological evaluation. The neurologists recommended medications for the headaches that the young girl had now developed.

When she finally sought out chiropractic care, she was suffering from chronic neck pain, headaches, and dizziness. Her pain was so severe that she rated it as the worst pain of her life. Her neck range of motion was severely limited and created pain when she moved her head or neck.

Because of the severity of her case, an MRI was ordered. Upon chiropractic evaluation, this study showed that the top bone in the neck (atlas) had shifted to the left. Re-evaluation by the Neuroradiologist concurred with the chiropractor's opinions.

Chiropractic care was initiated utilizing specific adjustments targeted to vertebral subluxations of the upper cervical spine. The care initially was three times per week for six weeks. During this time, the woman showed a 75% reduction of symptoms. In the next four weeks of care, she reported a 100% reduction of her pain.

Chiropractic care for whiplash injuries

Posted: April 28, 2016
By: Dr. Alexander Rodnick

Multiple Studies Confirm Positive Outcomes of Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injuries

2007-07-07Return to Health & Wellness Article Library


Multiple Studies Confirm Positive Outcomes of Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injuries

The above headline comes from a July 05, 2007 release from the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. This release notes that chiropractic care provides significant, ongoing relief for whiplash. According to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, "Whiplash is defined as an injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, backward or forward, often occurring from rear on-set automobile accidents and amusement rides or the result of falls, accidents and sporting activities."

Whiplash is a very common occurrence. The director of the Spine Research Institute, San Diego, Arthur C. Croft, D.C. and a member of the foundation notes, "Nearly one out of 15 adult Americans suffers from the annoying and sometimes debilitating long-term effects of whiplash injury, usually in the form of neck stiffness and pain."

Dr. Croft continues by noting that several scientific studies on whiplash have confirmed the benefits of chiropractic care. He states, "While chiropractic care in the acute stage can often stave off this unpleasant outcome, two of the studies have shown that even in the chronic stage, chiropractic intervention can provide up to 90 percent relief for these sufferers."

One of the studies reported in the journal Injury by authors Gargan and Bannister states that, "93 percent of the 28 patients studied retrospectively were found to have a statistically significant improvement following chiropractic care." The Foundation's release also reported that in a follow-up study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, authors Khan, Cook, Gargan, & Bannister concluded that, "Whiplash injuries are common. Chiropractic is the only proven effective treatment in chronic cases. Our study enables patients to be classified at initial assessment in order to target those patients who will benefit from such treatment."

Gerard W. Clum, D.C. president of Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, California, and spokesperson for the Foundation commented, "Whether you are driving locally to a convenience store or embarking on a long road trip, careful driving and using the proper restraints and seatbelts can help to prevent whiplash resulting from automobile accidents." He also noted, "Proper safety and head gear can also assist in preventing whiplash in sporting and other activities. Chiropractic care is a well established and effective intervention providing considerable relief."